Vocal Coaching Classes with Regan O'Brien

Kwyer – A Social Vocal Jam Session

Kywer is a mutual nurtured and nurturing activity. Over time, we have developed together and thru each other, empowering, playful, mostly it’s fun.

Kwyer – founded in 2009, Kwyer is about making a space where you can really get to know your own sound, fall in love with its uniqueness and enjoy working your sound into a supportive group.

We explore the vibrational qualities of the voice and its connection to the moving body.

Through playful experimentation and wild and funky improvisation we build our own music.

If you think you can’t sing, you’re perfect!

If you can sing you’re perfect!

If you want to sing in a group where we make it up as we go along, then Kwyer needs you!

“For me, Kywer is a mutual nurtured and nurturing activity. Over time, we have developed together and thru each other. Empowering, playful – mostly it’s fun”

Kwyer participant (2010-2016)